
We Regret…Ukraine Apologizes For Goddess Kali Tweet

Recently, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine shared a tweet that featured a picture of Goddess Kali in a distorted manner. This image caused outrage among many Indian citizens, who considered it to be disrespectful to their religious beliefs.

In response, Emine Dzhaparova, Ukraine’s Deputy Foreign Minister, issued an apology on behalf of her country. She expressed her regret for the offense caused by the tweet and reaffirmed Ukraine’s respect for India’s unique culture. She also acknowledged India’s support of Ukraine and thanked them for it.

Dzhaparova’s statement was a clear indication of Ukraine’s commitment to maintaining positive relations with India and respecting their cultural and religious traditions.

Following a tweet posted by the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense that depicted Goddess Kali in a distorted manner, there was a swift and strong backlash from netizens, including Kanchan Gupta, a senior advisor to the Indian Ministry of Information & Broadcasting. Gupta referred to the image as “an assault on Hindu sentiments” and was one of the many people who demanded that Ukraine issue an apology for the offense caused by the tweet.

The widespread criticism demonstrated the significance of respecting cultural and religious beliefs, as well as the potential consequences of failing to do so, especially in a world where social media can amplify outrage quickly.


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