
India & The World: Changing Scenario

2021, the 1st year of a new decade has came up with many new events on the international stage. All these events have led to developments that have directed the global scenario in a certain way. Let us understand how the scenario around the world is changing and the possibilities in the international arena particularly India in concern.

One of the things that have happened and have direct and indirect implications around the world is the Election of the US President. After many dramatic developments, the US got Joe Biden as their new president. There were many guesses of how the Biden administration will react to the controversial decisions taken earlier by the Trump administration.

On the very first day in office, President Biden decided to rejoin the Paris Agreement. This decision has far implications in achieving the goals set in Paris Agreement. Recently, the Biden administration has reaffirmed the partnership with India specifically in the Asia Pacific.

President Biden has also continued with the QUAD framework that has gained ground in 2020 under the Trump administration in the USA. It remarks the US intentions with the international partnership against the Chinese in Asia Pacific Region. QUAD also strengthening its framework, seeking expansion, and recently joining hands with other countries too. Recently, QUAD countries are doing Naval Exercise “La Perouse” with Frace in the Indian Ocean.

“La Parouse” Naval Exercise in Indian Ocean

Regarding the issue of the Presence Of US Forces in Afghanistan, President Biden has continued on the lines of Donald Trump, and the US Forces have geared up to pull out from Afghanistan. This one decision has a lot to change the scenario specifically in Asia. As many experts direct, that the Taliban Forces will be stronger and the democratic government in Afghanistan may happen to collapse down after US Forces left their presence in the region. This event has so many aspects impacting so many countries around.

India has invested in the developmental activities in Afghanistan and has supported the democratic government so far and now probably will start a conversation also with the Taliban for the Peace development process in Afghanistan.
China also has an interest and has invested in the region for its ambitious projects. It also needs peace in the region.
Pakistan is said to be supported Talibani forces so far.

US troops withdrawal from Afghanistan
Soldiers load onto a Chinook helicopter to head out on a mission in Afghanistan, REUTERS

It will be interesting to see the equation that will happen between India, Pakistan & China in Afghanistan. All that is dependent on the role that the Taliban is going to play. Will it agree to the terms for peaceful government or Will it continues to support radical and terrorist activities? How will it have a say on India, China, and Pakistan after coming into Power? Will India and China come together in Afghanistan if the Taliban goes against their interest? How will Pakistan play its role in this development.? Where will Russia stand in this scenario as it has good relations with all these three nations.? Only time will let us know.

2021 has also come with new hope against the Covid 19 as the Vaccination process has finally started around the globe. In the ongoing pandemic, the USA, the said superpower has not exported or helped even a single dose of Vaccine to any other country, in fact, it has stored much more than the required doses of vaccines. Blocking API supply so far to the world particularly to India which is essential for the production of vaccines. ( Update- Just very recently, the US announced that they are ready to supply it to India.) On the other hand Countries like India and China have been sharing their resources with the world and helping them out. Though China having other motives behind this help as we can see from the example of Paraguay, How China forced Paraguay to break ties with Taiwan for few, much-needed vaccines.

India, on the other hand, has helped over 150 countries in covid, extending vaccines, medical assistance, HCQ tablets, etc., and has done its best so far in helping other countries. Now as India is facing the second wave of pandemic and seriously experiencing a shortage of medical oxygen. Many countries from the world including UK, France, Germany, Japan, Israel, Russia now Iran have extended their help to India. Surprisingly Pakistan has also offered its help during the tough time.

Recently, India, Pakistan, and China also have positive developments. The ceasefire agreement on LOC is a welcoming step. The disengagement process on LAC is also being conducted positively. The willingness of helping each other in pandemic has been shown by all three nations. Though these 3 countries have conflicts and are adversaries of each other, the current scenario of a positive attitude towards each other has a lot of importance in maintaining peace in the south Asian and Asia Pacific region altogether.


India has been actively participating, in fact performing the leading roles in almost all the issues that the world is facing. It has continued being an influencing factor and rising as a strong stakeholder in the changing world.


Dinesh Mahajan

Defence Aspirant. Student of Defence And Strategic Studies. NET Qualified in Defence Studies.

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