Invisible Soldiers – The Future of Camouflaged Military Suite

Stealthy is the future and the current trend of the armed forces around the world and is intensifying its use all over the world. Imagine you are encountering a moving force with a bunch of soldiers from the enemy side waiting for your move unnoticed by naked eye or by thermal images. This could be such a disastrous moment and undoubtedly the worst nightmare for any soldiers. Well factually, it has not been into existence yet but the work is underway in full swing to make this happen and have a stealth capability for any soldiers and its country.
Quantum stealth or the Invisible Cloak:
Camouflaged suites which blends with the light around the suit will turn out to be a major breakthrough in the world of military uniforms. While patterns and camouflaging make this part a bit easier in forest terrains, stealth capabilities should be a cutting-edge development if made a breakthrough in this world of military innovations.
M/s. Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corporation, one of the leading pioneers in the development of military camouflaged uniforms which is based out in Canada, is in a race to achieve this goal of establishing one such stealth capabilities to the military uniforms manipulates lights and like the Harry potter series could literally confuse the armed forces to differentiate a person standing which would be undetectable by human eye. The layering of the clear sheets or material for the uniform or the sheets will be done in a way such that light can be reflected from numerous angles creating “dead spots”. Along with making objects close to invisible in the visible spectrum, the material can also bend in the Ultraviolet, Infrared and Shortwave Infrared while it blocks the Thermal Spectrum.
As per the available web sources, this technology is developed by lenticular lenses to bend with the lights to suits which kind of makes the person invisible. Lenticular lenses work by sending a single image when we view it from the same angle. Imagine if we have a TATA WhAP or a Mahindra MPAV with such a stealth capability for the Indian military.
US Army:
As advancement and innovations first starts with this country there was a suitable interest for US Army to acquire such capability to their army, however this plan was cancelled in 2015 due to business entity SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) situated in Canada and not in US.

Although the development initially had a good backing from the US government in this development the plan has now slowly started to gain momentum.
While US is still analyzing it, the company already demonstrated a quantum stealth parachute material or air drop missions.

The Indian Army If Acquired With STEALTH capability:
In the era of very dynamic and variant security challenges which is specifically posed to us by Chinese forces who are well versatile with such surprise elements and advancement, the DRDO can acquire such technologies and leap a step forward in building it with support from private companies.
While India faces two front adversaries in its backyard, a quantum stealth technology could easily make India capable of protecting its assets with stealth shielding for its assets in order to make it difficult for enemies to detect it.
Imagine a scenario waking up in case of a cross border conflict between Pak and the PLA army towards the India. Our stealthy invisible shield could make the enemy nation confuse to such an extent that army can easily target the battalion and its forces approaching with not less than a distance in which the entire army can be blown up without being noticed.
What’s more, if the forces uses its S-400 or the Pinnaka launchers or the ATAGS in the stealthy shields to attack forces of our adversaries, that will be an added boom to its defense capabilities and a cutting edge development in the army.
The Army, Navy and Airforce can utilize to shield their frigates or ground assets like the radars and jammers also the P8I aircrafts with MIG 29 stationed along with the missile defense system and helis on ground.

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This stealthy capability can be adopted by various defense armies around the world and indeed a good piece of work in case of a raising the defense capabilities, however the widespread uses are still not being made in this tech even though there are some developments happening in the western world.
Our adversary China has made a step into the invention of this tech which as per the report published by SCPM news in 2022, Chinese students in Wuhan University have come up with this technology known as InvisDefense coat, which allows humans to disguise in the normal environment in human eye. similar technology is also with the Chinese PLA as per the news outlet that China has started using it in order to hide its military equipment’s from spy satellites. Well, much of the details are not under public domain but since 2022, China is using them to hide their military tanks and installations.
Main drawback we have in these field is the invisibility is only partially achieved and not fully made on the assets and motion could make them detectible.
In case of army uniforms, the personnel should need to be a sniper position in the battlefield for an effective use of this tech. The technology is very complex in order to bend the external light with the wavelength matching the shield for the object being cloaked, however the work is underway in order to eliminate this challenge and make a complete fool proof mechanism.
Challenges lies if there is a coup for any of the nations that posses this technology with its militant groups it will be very difficult for any country to tackle this highly potent weapon. Nations like Pakistan and Afghanistan which are already under the threat of Taliban’s and its forces, its very difficult to handle such scenarios.
Visible challenges is always better than inviable challenges, may be this thinking could have made this vision resistant to inflate to a full-fledged development.