
Coup Against Xi?

Recently, some reports reported a coup in China against Xi Jinping by senior CCP leaders, including the former president of China, Hu Jintao, and former PM Wen Jiabao. Though the reported coup is not confirmed yet, but it shows something is wrong in China and with CCP leaders.

Coup Against Xi?

Reports suggest, that the Chinese president has been put under house arrest after he was detained at the airport by the central guard bureau, which takes care security of the Chinese president when he returned from Samarkand after the SCO summit. The further report claims, that all international, and domestic flight has been canceled and all the high-speed train service has been halted. According to sources former Chinese president HU Jintao and former PM Wen Jibao made efforts to oust Xi from power, they persuaded Song ping, a former member of the standing committee to join them and take control of the central bureau.

Pic Credit: Asia Market

Though all this news are not yet confirmed the cancelation of flight is verified and indeed China has canceled all domestic and international flight. Xi was also absent from the senior level “Seminar on National Defense and Military Reforms”. Xi currently holds three key titles: General Secretary of the Communist Party, Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and President. It is said that Xi was removed as Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Under the command of General Li Qiaoming PLA convoy moving toward Beijing, turning the Chinese capital into a fortress.

Pic Credit: NPR

There are rumors that General Li Qiaoming, is set to replace Xi as president but this news can’t be verified. Chinese Communist Party is set to host the 20th National congress next month, where Xi would be re-elected for his third term of presidency. Many are unhappy with his continuation of his presidency and his hunger for power.

But even if this news is true, then why CCP is unhappy with Xi?

Blunders of Xi

All these things are happening( if true) because many CCP leaders and importantly Chinese people are unhappy with Xi, particularly his handling of the Covid crisis, his aggressive foreign policy, and most importantly economic crisis. Let’s discuss them one by one.

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Xi’s blunder in the handling of the Covid-19 crisis made him unpopular among the Chinese people. Xi’s zero-tolerance policy toward Covid created loads of problems for its people as well as for the Chinese economy. Police brutality during handling of the crisis and even some cases leading to the death of people while shifting them to the covid care center led to people protesting against the zero-tolerance policy and increased his unpopularity.

Also Read, XI JINPING โ€“ Man Of Menace

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On the Foreign policy front Xi’s aggressive foreign policy, wolf warrior diplomacy lead to the sort of diplomatic isolation of china. Be it creating a border standoff with India or reckless military exercises threatening the security of countries like Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, etc. CCP leads leaders afraid of the fact that, if china attacks Taiwan, it might end up in the same situation as Russia, CCP and PLA knows that taking Taiwan won’t be easy, having the USA pledged to come in defense of Taiwan in case of an attack. Even if, the US abandon Taiwan, then it would arm Taiwan to resist the Chinese offensive just as it did in Ukraine.


The economic situation of China is not good at present, combined effect of Covid, stringent lockdown policies, housing/ real estate crisis, and boycott of foreign companies, which are moving out of China, has put the Chinese economy in a dire state. The fall of manufacturing and export on which the Chinese economy relied, has taken a hit, due to covid crisis stringent lockdowns in major industrial towns like shanghai, and Guangzhou also caused labor shortages, which resulted in a dip in production. The real estate sector of china is in a huge crisis. The bankruptcy of china’s largest real estate company Ever Grande has raised concerns. Banks that gave credit to these real estate companies are Adding fuel to fire, and many foreign companies are shifting their manufacturing from China to countries like India, Vietnam, etc.

Also Read, A Fact-Check Of CCPโ€™s Truth-Telling Tendencies

If This News Is True Then How Would It Affect India?

If Xi is removed from power then we can expect a change in China’s policy vis a vis Japan, Taiwan, and India and its overall foreign policy, but how it would change, I have no idea. Whether China will try to improve relations with India and other western countries or it would continue its wolf warrior diplomacy is not known, but it is unlikely that China would abandon its expansionist policy.


Bheemanagouda M Patil

Hi, I'm Bheemanagouda Patil, currently I'm pursuing Mechanical Engineering (3rd year) from Dayanand Sagar College Of Engineering. I write on topics related defence and geopolitics.

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