
Capt. Rakesh TR 9 Para SF Awarded Shaurya Chakra For Saving PM Modi

In a Daring Act Special Forces Officer Capt. Rakesh TR saved PM Modiโ€™s life and hundreds of fellow citizens. Special Forces Division Captain Rakesh TR will be honored with Shaurya Chakra for killing the terrorists who conspired to attack the PM during his 2022 visit to Jammu.

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22 Apr 2022, Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi was scheduled to visit Jammu for a Public Rally on 24 April 2022. Amid heightened security for the visit, inputs of a likely fidayeen attack on the rally were received.

Captain Rakesh TR, Alert Troop Commander of 9 PARA (Special Forces), was responsible for maintaining readiness to react to any terror-related incident in the region. On receiving input of likely terrorist presence in Jammu district, the Alert Troop immediately got mobilized. While on the move Captain Rakesh received input of an attack by terrorists on a Security Forces convoy, in which his own fatalities were suspected. On reaching the contact site located in a densely populated area, Captain Rakesh quickly spotted terrorists using a quadcopter and maneuvered tactically to place a close cordon around them. On realising that they were surrounded, terrorists started firing indiscriminately to break the cordon and move towards the civilian areas. Captain Rakesh sensing imminent danger to civilian lives, pinned down one of the terrorists by bringing down heavy fire on him and then, with utter disregard for his own safety and showing nerves of steel, charged toward the terrorist and neutralized him by accurate fire.

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For his sharp tactical acumen, nerves of steel, and unparalleled courage under fire while eliminating one terrorist and preventing a Fidayeen attack, Captain Rakesh TR is awarded with โ€œSHAURYA CHAKRAโ€


Rajesh Negi

Defence & Sports Enthusiast

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