
We Are Committed To Sustain Normalcy And Peace In J&K: Lt. Gen. YK Joshi

We Are Committed To Sustain Normalcy And Peace In J&K: YK Joshi The security situation in Jammu and Kashmir has by and large been peaceful and the Army is committed to ensuring that the civil administration operates in a fear-free environment, Northern Army commander Lieutenant General Y K Joshi has said. Lt Gen Joshi, who is a Kargil war hero, said synergized, ethical and precision operations by security forces have dealt a severe blow to the ‘tanzeems’ (terrorist groups), the terror network operating in the union territory, and their leadership, both local and foreign.

‘The security situation in Jammu and Kashmir has by and large been peaceful, barring a few incidents, where terrorists, in order to vent their frustration, have targeted soft and vulnerable parts of the citizenry,’ the commander told PTI in an interview. ‘The ‘tanzeems’ have been left rudderless without effective leadership and there is a dearth of arms, ammunition and other war-like stores, especially automatic weapons,’ he said.

The result is, terrorists are resorting to low-scale standoff attacks and avoiding direct gunbattles, Lt Gen Joshi said. Terrorists ‘are avoiding a pitched battle when contact is established with security forces’, he said. Lt Gen Joshi said that recruitment of local youths by terror groups has more or less been restricted and is in only three districts of south Kashmir.

‘There has been a perceptible difference within the Kashmir Valley where North Kashmir has started to savor the benefits of peace’, he said. Another initiative of security forces, which has begun to yield results is the surrender of local terrorists, indicative that there is a drastic loss of traction amongst the youth who are being forced to take up arms, the commander said. ‘We are committed to sustaining normalcy and peace in Jammu and Kashmir, allowing the civil administration to operate in a ‘fear-free environment,’ he said. Lt Gen Joshi also said that the intensity of counter-terrorist operations will persist during the coming months.


Kartik Sud

I am working as a News Author With the DefenceXP network, Observing LOC and LAC

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