
‘US Provide Real-Time Intel To India On Border Clash With China’- Can’t Confirm-US

Recently during the daily press briefing, National Security Council coordinator for Strategic Communications at the White House, John Kirby, refused to confirm a news report citing that the US provided crucial real-time intelligence to the Indian Army last year that helped it successfully tackle the Chinese at the border, Although he did not deny it too.

He did not deny nor verify the story and said, “No, I can’t confirm that,” when pushed about the news report.

Last year a report was published claiming that India’s ability to repel the Chinese military invasion in a disputed border area late last year was possibly rendered by the unprecedented intelligence cooperation with the U.S. military. According to the reports, the Pentagon provided the Indian military with intelligence that was more thorough and timely than anything the United States had previously shared with them. This material included actionable satellite images. A source cited in the reports said, “They were waiting. And that’s because the U.S. had given India everything it needed to be fully prepared for this. It demonstrates a test case of the success of how the two militaries are now cooperating and sharing intelligence.”


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