
Lightweight Torpedo Test-Fired Successfully

(This News Article Is Originally Posted onย The Hindu by Sumit Bhattacharjee)

The indigenously-instrumented Advanced Light Torpedo (TAL), developed by the Naval Science and Technological Laboratory (NSTL), successfully cleared its maiden flight trial with a parachute system from the Indian Navyโ€™s Ilyushin Il-38 maritime patrol aircraft on Monday.

This was the countryโ€™s first such trial where the indigenous lightweight torpedo was fired from a fixed-wing aircraft.

The lightweight torpedo was designed, developed, produced and inducted into services a decade ago and is used against underwater platforms as part of anti-submarine warfare (ASW).

To enhance the range of quick acquisition of the target, the Navy scheduled the launch of TAL from fixed-wing aircraft of the Navy, for precise attacks at desired locations.

The torpedo, along with Torpedo Release Mechanism and Fire Control System, are designed and developed by the NSTL.

The torpedo, on safe separation from the aircraft, descends with the help of a parachute and the TRM detaches the parachute, enabling the torpedo to continue its operation in waters. The parachute is designed by ADRDE, Agra. The TAL can track multiple targets simultaneously using state-of-the-art processor-based signal processing algorithms.

The trial team, led by Principal Project Director R.V.S. Subrahmanyam and other members from NSTL and ADRDE Agra participated in the trial along with the Indian Navy.

NSTL Director Dr O.R. Nandagopan congratulated the team and acknowledged the participation of the Indian Navy and other DRDO establishments such as ADRDE, ADE, and CEMILAC.

The Hindu

Shankul Bhandare

Hello, I am shankul and I love defence research and development and want to spread it through blogging.

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