
India, US Call For Perpetrators Of 26/11 Attacks To Be Brought To Justice

(This was originally posted in Hindustan Times by Susmita Pakrasi)

India and the United States on Saturday condemned cross-border terrorism and called for perpetrators of 26/11 Mumbai attacks to be brought to justice. Both the countries issued a joint statement after a first in-person bilateral meeting under Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden. In the statement, the two countries affirmed that they stand together in the shared fight against terrorism and will take concerted action against designated terrorist groups.

The leaders reaffirmed that the United States and India stand together in a shared fight against global terrorism, will take concerted action against all terrorist groups, including groups proscribed by the UNSCR 1267 Sanctions Committee, condemned cross-border terrorism, and called for the perpetrators of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks to be brought to justice. They denounced any use of terrorist proxies and emphasized the importance of denying any logistical, financial or military support to terrorist groups which could be used to launch or plan terror attacks,” the joint statement read.

Biden and PM Modi hoped that the upcoming US-India Counterterrorism Joint Working Group, Designations Dialogue and renewed US-India Homeland Security Dialogue will further strengthen counterterrorism cooperation between both the countries, including in the areas of intelligence sharing and law enforcement cooperation.

“They also welcomed opportunities to develop counterterrorism technologies. They commended the US-India Counter Narcotics Working Group and are committed to finalizing a new Bilateral Framework which would facilitate joint efforts to combat drug trafficking, illicit narcotics production and precursor chemical supply chains,” the statement further read. PM Modi and Biden also affirmed a clear vision to promote shared interests in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond, developing a trade and investment partnership, fighting against Covid-19, climate change and strengthening democratic values and institutions in support of their citizens.

Hindustan Times

Kartik Sud

I am working as a News Author With the DefenceXP network, Observing LOC and LAC

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