
India Dismisses Reports That It Requested Sri Lankan Airspace For Exercise

India on Wednesday dismissed as “factually incorrect” media reports that claimed it sought to use Sri Lankan airspace for a joint military exercise with a third country.

“We have seen some media reports stating that authorities in Sri Lanka declined a request by India to use Sri Lankan airspace for a Joint Military Exercise with a third country. High Commission of India would like to deny these reports as they are factually incorrect,” the Indian High Commission in Colombo said in a statement.

It said that “no such request has been made by India for using the Sri Lankan airspace in the recent past for the purpose of any exercise with a third country.”

The High Commission, however, did not mention which media had speculated on the purported Sri Lankan denial of India’s request.


Shankul Bhandare

Hello, I am shankul and I love defence research and development and want to spread it through blogging.

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