
Afghan Territory Not Be Used Against Any Other Country

The United Nations Security Council’s (UNSC) resolution on Afghanistan addresses India’s key concerns pertaining to the war-ravaged country, sources said on Tuesday, adding that New Delhi played an “active role” in ensuring its passage.

The 15-member council has adopted the resolution in which the member states reiterated the importance of combating terrorism in Afghanistan and noted the Taliban’s relevant commitments.

The resolution called for the Taliban to facilitate safe passage for people wanting to leave Afghanistan, allow humanitarians to access the country, and uphold human rights, including for women and children.

Over the last few days, India has been in continuous touch with key members of the UNSC on the matter.

The issue was also the subject of External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar’s phone conversation with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and high-level official contacts with other members.

Government sources told ANI, “UNSC Resolution 2593 addresses India’s key concerns pertaining to Afghanistan at this time. Therefore, we played an active role in ensuring its passage.”

Foreign Secretary Harsh Vardhan Shringla was chairing the UNSC meet under the Indian presidency in which the resolution was adopted.

“The Resolution demands that Afghan territory not be used to threaten/ attack any country or to shelter/ train terrorists or plan/ finance terrorist acts. It specifically mentions individuals and entities designated pursuant to UNSC Resolution 1267, i.e., Lashker-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed,” the source further said.

It also addresses India’s immediate concerns about facilitating travel from Afghanistan, including Kabul Airport.

“This will cover Indian nationals stranded in the country as well as Afghan nationals (including minorities) who wish to travel to India,” the sources noted.

Early this morning, under India’s Presidency, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 2593 on the situation in Afghanistan.

There have been three earlier statements by the UNSC on Afghanistan this month on 6, 16 and 27 August.

“As the President of the UNSC, India felt it important that given the seriousness of the situation, there should be a Security Council Resolution,” a source added.

The resolution also addresses issues of humanitarian assistance, human rights, inclusive and negotiated settlement.

“It is also significant that the Resolution has declared that the Security Council decides to remain seized of the matter,” the source added.

Government sources told ANI: “We believe that this decision by the UN Security Council has an important bearing on the course of developments in Afghanistan. It is a matter of satisfaction that our Presidency could contribute to serious international consideration of this key issue.”


Shankul Bhandare

Hello, I am shankul and I love defence research and development and want to spread it through blogging.

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